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摘要:业主:深圳信息职业技术学院 地点:广东省深圳市龙岗区龙城街道 用地面积:158 500平方米 总建筑面积:117 000平方米 容积率:0.58 建筑高度:246米 建筑设计:CCDI 悉地国际 结构设计



用地面积:158 500平方米

总建筑面积:117 000平方米



建筑设计:CCDI 悉地国际

结构设计/机电设计:CCDI 悉地国际

设计/竣工:2007 / 2011年

Client: Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology

Location: Longxiang Road, Longgang District, Shenzhen, China

Site Area: 158,500 m2

Floor Area: 117,000 m2

Floor Area Ratio: 0.58

Building Height: 246 m

Architectural Design: CCDI

Structural Design/M&E Design: CCDI

Design/Completion: 2007 / 2011




The new campus of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology is located in the southwest of Longgang Center and the south of Sports New City. In general plan, the plan concept of “one axis, two bands” is proposed combining original ecological protective belt and litchi forest with the aim at creating landscape campus. The second section lies in the south of the center landscape axis of the new campus, nearest to the southern ecological protective forest, fronting water and with hills on the back.

Influenced by western humanism philosophy, modern education pays more attention to humancentered Ontology, which emphasizes education not only should be completed in classroom, but make campus space environment play a nurturing role on people as pan-classroom as well as be an extension part of education. Future colleges and universities will advocate the natural return of study and life and place experience of spirit and perception as a construction focus on campus natural ecology and humanism elements. In the project, architect selects landscape as the artistic conception to plan and design the whole area, and make it fuse into the whole campus. Constructions exist in a plain, free, harmonious and symbiotic state. Teaching and research buildings in south area are along the center landscape water system, organically distributing on one side of main axis landscape with a group of semi-courtyard. Each semi-courtyard opens towards center water landscape, different position of each courtyard leading to subtle differences sceneries of mountains, water, neighbor buildings and outdoor place. Courtyards matching water with pleasant space provide study, communication and rest space for teachers and students. Sports buildings mainly contain Sports Gymnasium and Natatorium in great size.

Architect breaks the whole into parts which distributes among ecological protective band and modified Litchi Forest, original and firm just as the natural stones living in mountains. Constructions share same breathing with mountains and communicate in Chinese-style language, which is not only a visual communication, but also the existence of mind. The Administration building lying in central landscape band is one landmark of the whole campus. Neighboring water and fronting mountains, as one of “two towers” of the campus, the construction is the place for listening to wind in the landscape campus. The“green valley” stretching upward is just like a three-dimensional courtyard which provides a perfect place to talk with nature for teachers and students, integrating with water, with mountains into one.

文章来源:《安徽卫生职业技术学院学报》 网址: http://www.ahwszyjsxyxb.cn/qikandaodu/2021/0113/571.html


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